Races of Cryptillia


Orcs are violent, invasive and heavy-handed, preferring to fight rather than negotiate. They have a low level of language and intelligence, living in tribal organisations, with each tribe being run by a warlord, with several advisers, appointed by the warlord himself. It is accepted, however not always true, that the warlord should follow the advice of these advisors! Orcs spend most of their time fighting – if a suitable enemy cannot be found, then they will fight among themselves instead! When Orcs are not fighting, they are either sleeping or feasting – usually on boar or horse, or any other meat they can find. Orcs have an immense hatred for elves and their respect for the natural world, and given the choice to attack any race, would choose to attack elves. Their second worst enemies are Dwarves, a deep hatred that is shared by both races and spans back to the first age of magic, where ancient Dwarves drove the first Orcs from their homeland in a particularly grisly battle.


+4 to Stamina
-1 to Skill
-1 to Luck
-1 to Sneak
-1 to Speed


Extreme Strength (Stamina Score higher than normal)